1685 Magnolia Drive, Healdsburg, CA 95448 -- (707) 433-7455 | FAX (707) 433-5683 | info@russian-river-rose.com
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Press About Russian River Rose Company
"Petals amongst the Grapes". A beautiful pictorial of the Russian River Rose garden in "Victoria Classics Flowers & Gardens" July 27, 2020.
"Victoria Classics Flowers & Gardens"
"Early morning dew gathers on rose leaves and the barely-there scent of rose blossoms gently touches the air. In the early morning gloaming sounds are muted and birds are beginning to stir."
Victoria Cover |
RRR Company Article (first page) |
Local perfumer Michael Tolmasoff offers a different kind of harvest tour (Press Democrat, 2010)
"On a quiet country lane just outside Healdsburg, to the west of the freeway and near the Dry Creek-Russian River confluence, thrives an enchanted rose garden. Occupied by a smiling, European-influenced artistic garden sprite, an earthy, hard-working perfumer, a cheerful immigrant gardener, and buds of beauty and life that open with each passing sunshine hour, the Russian River Rose Company offers peaceful respite to winter-weary visitors."
Russian River Rose Company (Press Democrat, 2010)
"...the mood is set as soon as their car doors open and the heavy scent of big, sun-warmed, light-pink damask roses drift toward the parking lot..."
Fragrant Gathering Indeed (Marin Independent Journal, April 5, 2008)
"That chance beginning led to the current collection of more than 600 rose varieties, fanning out in beds along the street and in vibrant arrays surrounding the Tolmasoffs' home."
Oh, roses! Healdsburg garden is a place to really smell the flowers (San Francisco Chronicle, 2004)
"When a chemical engineer's wife is wild about roses, there's one logical thing for him to do: Drag out a blow torch and an old copper milk can, haul out a propane tank, and forge a distillation system in the family barn... but it isn't moonshine flowing from Tolmasoff's modest still. Instead, it's fragrant rose water and precious rose oil."
Sweet smell of success at Healdsburg rose garden (San Francisco Chronicle, 2001)